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Covid-19: Wales Network publishes statement on children returning to school


The Wales Network has published a statement in response to plans for some children to return to school in Wales, from 29 June.

Corinna Bretland, Chair of the CYWPDN School Group, says the statement is to support teams who are receiving queries from concerned parents and schools.

“We know that some parents feel worried about their child returning to school,” says Corinna. “The period of lockdown due to the Covid pandemic has been an anxious time for many families, and this anxiety may extend as the guidance from Welsh Government changes.”

“In May, the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (BSPED) published guidance about children and young people returning to school with their school year group, subject to certain provisos. In Wales we would like all teams to follow this guidance”.

“We are keen that children and young people with Type 1 diabetes are not prevented from returning to school at the same time as their classmates and friends. We have also identified schools need to ensure that care plans are followed and children with type 1 diabetes can receive the support they need in school.”

Read the Network Statement (PDF)

Darllenwch Datganiad Rhwydwaith (PDF)