Welcome to the Children and Young People’s Diabetes Network forum for healthcare professionals. To access the forum, please press the forum tab (above) or click the link below.
Registration is required and participation is limited to members of Children and Young People’s Diabetes Networks in England and Wales. You will need to register the first time you visit, and then sign in on subsequent visits once your registration is approved.
This forum is solely for the sharing of information between diabetes professionals that is relevant to their work supporting children and young people with diabetes, and their families.
On the forum there are areas for general discussions and also profession-specific discussions. Please note that although this is a secure area, no patient identifiable data should ever be placed on this forum. All users are expected to adhere to professional standards regarding data protection and copyright of materials, ethics and professional behaviour. Forum users take responsibility for anything they post on this forum. Use of this forum precludes acceptance of these conditions. (Read the full Forum Rules and terms of use.)
This forum is moderated during business hours. The CYPDN website administrators reserve the right to delete forum postings that contravene the Forum Rules, and to remove posting rights from individuals who do not adhere to the agreed parameters. All forum users are able to report posts that they feel are unacceptable and contravene the purposes of the forum.